Easy Lit’l Smokies with Hot Pepper Jam Recipe for Your Next Party

Are you ready to add a crowd-pleasing dish to your next gathering? Look no further than Lit’l Smokies with Hot Pepper Jam! This appetizer is incredibly simple to make and always a hit at parties. Whether it’s a holiday celebration, a Super Bowl party, or an Oscar night viewing, Lit’l Smokies are the perfect choice.

Are Lit’l Smokies Gluten-Free?

The big question is, are Lit’l Smokies gluten-free? For the most part, the answer is yes! Here’s a quick rundown of popular brands and their gluten-free status:

  • Oscar Mayer: Listed as gluten-free (though not certified).
  • Parkview: Clearly labeled gluten-free.
  • Hillshire Farm: Not labeled gluten-free, and they don’t test for gluten or make gluten-free claims.

It’s essential to remember that eating non-labeled foods that contain no gluten ingredients is a personal choice. Ingredients like “natural flavors” can be concerning for those on a strict gluten-free diet. For more information on these confusing ingredients, check out this link from the National Celiac Organization.

Alternatives to Lit’l Smokies

If you’re looking for a delicious alternative to Lit’l Smokies, try using kielbasa. Just slice up a couple of packages and pop them in the crockpot. Like Lit’l Smokies, kielbasa comes fully cooked, so you only need to heat it. This method is perfect for easy hosting since it keeps the sausages warm throughout the event.

Preparation Methods

Crockpot Method

Using a crockpot to prepare Lit’l Smokies is super easy and ideal for hosting. Here’s how:

  1. Add the cocktail sausages to a 2-quart crockpot.
  2. Add 1 cup of BBQ sauce and 2 tablespoons of red pepper jelly.
  3. Stir to coat the sausages evenly.
  4. Heat on high for 2.5-3 hours, then serve.

The crockpot keeps the sausages warm, allowing guests to help themselves throughout the party.

Stovetop Method

If you’re in a hurry, the stovetop method is quicker:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan.
  2. Stir together and heat for about 15 minutes until heated through.
  3. Transfer to a ceramic dish or another serving bowl.

Additional Tips

When serving Lit’l Smokies, I recommend keeping them buffet style on the counter. If you set them out on a table, spoon them into a bowl and refill as needed. They are best enjoyed warm, which is why the crockpot is perfect.

For an extra flavor kick, add red pepper jelly. This sweet and slightly spicy addition makes a big difference. Plus, red pepper jelly is a fantastic addition to cheese boards, so you’ll always find a use for it!

Personal Notes

Don’t worry about the picture; it’s from my previous Instagram posts. I assure you, I’m not cooking with expired sausages! I make this recipe several times a year because it’s always a hit. Trust me, your guests will love it too.

Recipe Card


  • 1 package of cocktail sausages
  • 1 cup BBQ sauce (or more to taste)
  • 2 tbsp red pepper jelly



  1. Add sausages, BBQ sauce, and red pepper jelly to a 2 qt crockpot and stir to coat.
  2. Heat on high for 2.5-3 hours and serve.


  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, stir, and heat for 15 minutes until heated through.
  2. Transfer to a serving bowl.


Lit’l Smokies with Hot Pepper Jam are simple, tasty, and perfect for any event. Give this recipe a try at your next gathering and watch your guests come back for more. Enjoy!

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